From: Keith Schwols Plum Port Wine Sorbet 3/4 cup water 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 lb ripe red plums (peeled, ptted, cut into chunks) 1 cup raspberries 3/4 cup port wine Mint sprigs & raspberries for garnish In a small suacepan over high heat, bring water and sugar to a boil; cook until sugar is dissolved. Set aside. In a food processor or blender, puree plums, raspberries, port wine, and cooled sugar water mixture until smooth. Pour into 8x8 inch baking dish. Freeze until firm (about 8 hours). To serve, scoop sorbet into wine or champagne glass. Garnish with mint sprigs and raspberries. Who says sorbet can't be decadent. My notes say serves six, but I figure it serves me well. ]